Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Databases and Applications CSC-30002 Module
Advanced Programming in Python CSC-40068 Module
Advanced Programming Practices CSC-20004 Module
Advanced Programming Techniques (online) CSC-40074 Module
Advanced Web Technologies CSC-30025 Module
Applications of A.I. and Machine Learning (online) CSC-40094 Module
Applications of AI, Machine Learning and Data Science CSC-40070 Module
Applied Deep Learning CSC-20071 Module
Artificial Intelligence for Data Science CSC-30051 Module
Calculus for Data Scientists CSC-10054 Module
Cloud Computing CSC-40039 Module
Cloud Computing CSC-20057 Module
Collaborative Application Development CSC-40038 Module
Communication, Confidence and Competence CSC-10056 Module
Communications and Networks CSC-30012 Module
Computational and Artificial Intelligence I CSC-20043 Module
Computational and Artificial Intelligence II CSC-30027 Module
Computing in Education CSC-30021 Module
Cryptography CSC-40120 Module
Cyber Security (CSC-30057) CSC-30057 Module
Cyber Security (CSC-40122) CSC-40122 Module
Cybercrime CSC-10025 Module
Data Analytics and Databases CSC-40054 Module
Data Analytics and Visualisation CSC-20065 Module
Data Ethics and Security CSC-30045 Module
Data Ethics, Governance and Security CSC-10075 Module
Data Ethics, Security and Governance CSC-30053 Module
Data Mining CSC-30043 Module
Data Structures and Algorithms CSC-20055 Module
Database Systems CSC-20002 Module
Databases CSC-20061 Module
Design and Programming (online) CSC-40076 Module
Distributed Intelligent Systems CSC-40045 Module
Fundamentals of Computer Science (online) CSC-40088 Module
Fundamentals of Computers and Networks CSC-40064 Module
Fundamentals of Computing CSC-10029 Module
Games Computing CSC-30019 Module
Human Factors of Cyber Security CSC-40104 Module
Introduction to Algorithms CSC-10064 Module
Introduction to Data Science II CSC-10060 Module
Introduction to Data Science With Python CSC-10068 Module
Introduction to Interaction Design CSC-10040 Module
Introduction to Programming CSC-10070 Module
Machine Learning CSC-20067 Module
Machine Learning Applications CSC-30041 Module
Mathematics for A.I. and Data Science (online) CSC-40092 Module
Mathematics for AI and Data Science CSC-40072 Module
MComp Project CSC-40052 Module
Mobile Application Development CSC-20038 Module
Object-Oriented Programming CSC-10074 Module
Professional Skills CSC-20093 Module
Professional Skills-I CSC-10078 Module
Professionalism in Data Science CSC-30035 Module
Programming II - Data Structures and Algorithms CSC-20037 Module
Requirements, Evaluation and Professionalism for Data Scientists CSC-10066 Module
Research and Consultancy Skills (online) CSC-40086 Module
Research Horizons CSC-40041 Module
Software Development CSC-20063 Module
Software Development Management CSC-30069 Module
Software Engineering CSC-20041 Module
Software Engineering CSC-40066 Module
Software Engineering with Group Project (online) CSC-40084 Module
Statistical Data Analytics and Databases (online) CSC-40080 Module
Statistical Techniques for Data Analytics CSC-20053 Module
System Design & Programming CSC-40044 Module
Systems and Architecture CSC-10033 Module
Third Year Double Project - ISP CSC-30014 Module
User Interaction Design (online) CSC-40078 Module
Visualisation for Data Analytics CSC-40048 Module
Visualisation for Data Analytics (online) CSC-40096 Module
Visualisation for Data Science CSC-20069 Module
Web Technologies CSC-20021 Module
Web Technologies (L6) CSC-30077 Module
Web Technologies and Security CSC-40046 Module
Web Technologies and Security (online) CSC-40082 Module

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