Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
'Golden Age' Children's Fiction ENG-30092 Module
Ageing, Narrative and Modern Identity, 1908-2018 ENG-30110 Module
Becoming a Critic ENG-10058 Module
Canon, Anti-Canon, Context ENG-40032 Module
Classic Novels on Screen ENG-20082 Module
Creative Non-Fiction ENG-20080 Module
Creative Writing: Portfolio - ISP ENG-30069 Module
Criticism, Analysis, Theory ENG-40007 Module
Culture and Barbarism: Literature in the Victorian Age ENG-20068 Module
Discoveries: Self and Society in Postwar British Children's Fiction ENG-10062 Module
Emerging Themes ENG-20076 Module
Gender and Power in Restoration Literature ENG-30077 Module
Gender and Power: Advanced Studies in Restoration Literature ENG-40073 Module
Gothic Nightmares: Robots, Monsters and Witches ENG-10050 Module
Literature and Social Change ENG-20064 Module
Methods and Approaches to Literature ENG-20066 Module
Postmodernism: Fiction, Film and Theory ENG-30053 Module
Postmodernism: Fiction, Film and Theory ENG-40044 Module
Radical Writing: From Modernity to Counterculture ENG-20086 Module
Revolutions in Feeling: Literature of the Romantic Period ENG-20090 Module
Shakespeare on Film: Adaptation and Appropriation ENG-30070 Module
Shakespeare on Film: Advanced Studies of Adaptation and Appropriation ENG-40052 Module
Sources of Writing ENG-20078 Module
Texts in Time and Texts in Theory ENG-10060 Module
The Alcohol Question ENG-30073 Module
The Detective and the American City ENG-30106 Module
The Renaissance: Shakespeare and beyond ENG-20050 Module
The Working Writer : Practices and Contexts ENG-40075 Module
The Writer as Critic, The Critic as Writer ENG-40018 Module
Thresholds: Young Adult Fiction ENG-30108 Module
Voices and Audiences ENG-10054 Module
Ways of Reading ENG-20088 Module
Work Placement for Humanities Final-Year Students ENG-30088 Module
Work Placement for Humanities Postgraduates ENG-40057 Module
Work Placement for Humanities Students ENG-20055 Module
Work Placement Year ENG-30090 Module
Writing Fiction ENG-10044 Module
Writing for Other Platforms ENG-10046 Module
Writing Genre ENG-20074 Module
Writing Poetry ENG-10040 Module
Writing Scripts ENG-10038 Module
Writingscapes ENG-30072 Module

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