Single Honours and Dual Honours law will will develop your legal skills and knowledge through a deep understanding of the location of law in its social, political and economic context

Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Administrative Law LAW-10031 Module
Administrative Law (Level 5) LAW-20086 Module
Adult Safeguarding - Interventions LAW-40032 Module
Advanced International Law LAW-40042 Module
Best Interests Assessor LAW-40050 Module
Business Law (Law School) LAW-10027 Module
Business Law and Practice LAW-30112 Module
CAB Legal Research Placement LAW-30098 Module
Children looked after LAW-40003 Module
Civil Litigation LAW-20060 Module
Commercial Law LAW-30093 Module
Company Law LAW-30080 Module
Constitutional Law LAW-10029 Module
Constitutional Law (Level 5) LAW-20078 Module
Contemporary Case Law Critique LAW-30114 Module
Contemporary Case Law Critique (Level 5) LAW-20094 Module
Contemporary issues in child care LAW-40002 Module
Controversies in intellectual property law LAW-20047 Module
Criminal Law LAW-20064 Module
Criminal Law (Level 6) LAW-30134 Module
Disability Law LAW-30116 Module
Dissertation LAW-40015 Module
Dissertation LAW-40030 Module
Dissertation (Double Module) ISP LAW-30083 Module
Employment Law LAW-30068 Module
Equality, Discrimination and Minorities LAW-40047 Module
European Union Law LAW-20062 Module
European Union Law LAW-30126 Module
Evidence LAW-30062 Module
Family Law - FHEQ Level 5 LAW-20046 Module
Foundations in Law and Society Research: Theories and Concepts LAW-40053 Module
Foundations Of Human Rights LAW-40048 Module
Foundations of International Law LAW-40040 Module
Gender, Sexuality and Law LAW-30091 Module
Health Care Law LAW-30088 Module
Human Rights and Global Politics LAW-40046 Module
International Environmental Law LAW-40043 Module
International Human Rights LAW-30081 Module
International Law and Human Rights LAW-40038 Module
International Refugee Law LAW-40058 Module
Introduction to Canadian Law (Level 6) LAW-30150 Module
Introduction to International Economic Law LAW-40037 Module
Introduction to Law and Society LAW-10043 Module
Introduction to Property Law LAW-10037 Module
Introduction to Property Law (Level 5) LAW-20084 Module
Introduction to Public International Law LAW-20034 Module
Key Concepts in Employment Law LAW-20070 Module
Law and ethics LAW-20038 Module
Law in Action LAW-20033 Module
Law of Real Property LAW-20068 Module
Law of Real Property (Level 6) LAW-30122 Module
Law of Trusts LAW-30108 Module
Law of Trusts (Level 5) LAW-20098 Module
Lawyers in Society LAW-10041 Module
Legal Essentials LAW-10039 Module
Legal Essentials (Level 5) LAW-20076 Module
Mental Health Law LAW-20045 Module
Obligations 1 - Contract LAW-10035 Module
Obligations 1 - Contract (Level 5) LAW-20080 Module
Obligations 2 - Torts LAW-10033 Module
Obligations 2 - Torts (Level 5) LAW-20082 Module
Obligations 3 - Remedies (Level 6) LAW-30124 Module
Obligations 3 - Remedies in Contract and Tort LAW-20066 Module
Professional Legal Skills - Interviewing, Mediation and Advocacy LAW-30102 Module
Public Law 1 - Constitutional Law LAW-20042 Module
Reflections on Social Injustices, Past and Present GCP-10003 Module
Safeguarding Adults: Law, Policy and Practice SLAW-00003 Module
Safeguarding and Carers LAW-40031 Module
Socio-Legal Studies: Applications and Themes LAW-40052 Module
Transnational Crime LAW-30094 Module
Wills and Probate and Drafting LAW-30106 Module

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