Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Action Research: Co-creating research to make a difference PSY-40087 Module
Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience Methods PSY-40053 Module
Advanced Computational and Statistical Approaches to Behaviour PSY-40103 Module
Advanced Research Skills, Design and Analysis PSY-40095 Module
Advanced Studies in Health Inequalities PSY-40081 Module
Answering Questions with Qualitative Data PSY-10044 Module
Applications and Research Methods in Child Psychology PSY-40101 Module
Approaches and Methods in Health Inequalities PSY-40109 Module
Biological and Cognitive Psychology PSY-20045 Module
Biological and Cognitive Psychology PSY-10034 Module
CBT Professional and Clinical Competences PSY-40149 Module
Childhood Relationships PSY-40091 Module
Clinical Neuropsychology and Applied Cognition PSY-40093 Module
Clinical Practice - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy PSY-40155 Module
Cognitive & Behavioural Therapy Theory PSY-20062 Module
Cognitive and Biological Psychology PSY-40127 Module
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Anxiety PSY-40153 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression PSY-40151 Module
Cognitive Development PSY-30146 Module
Cognitive Development PSY-20038 Module
Counselling skills and perspectives PSY-30132 Module
Culture and Psychology PSY-30125 Module
Current Perspectives on Autism Spectrum Disorder PSY-30104 Module
Cyberpsychology - the psychology of technology and the Internet PSY-20048 Module
Developmental and Social Psychology PSY-20012 Module
Dissertation - Conversion PSY-40137 Module
Dissertation - Psychology PSY-40045 Module
Distress and Mental Health PSY-10026 Module
Exploring Psychology Topics PSY-10046 Module
Exploring Psychology Topics II PSY-10042 Module
Faces, Forgetting and Forensic Psychology PSY-30123 Module
Final Year Project (Double) - ISP PSY-30061 Module
Gender and Sexualities PSY-30166 Module
Global Issues: How to organise for social change PSY-40105 Module
Happiness and Wellbeing: Social Scientific Approaches PSY-30096 Module
Health Psychology PSY-20054 Module
Health Psychology PSY-30077 Module
Individual Differences and Conceptual Issues PSY-30067 Module
Introduction to Developmental and Social Psychology PSY-10033 Module
Investigative Forensic Psychology PSY-30168 Module
Issues and Perspectives in Counselling PSY-20042 Module
Key Readings in Cognitive Psychology PSY-30099 Module
Making a Difference with Psychology: Turning Theory into Practice PSY-30134 Module
Models of Cognition PSY-30154 Module
Morality, Justice, and Society: Perspectives from Moral and Social Psychology PSY-30180 Module
MSc Critical Approaches to Health, Social and Political Psychology PSY-40085 Module
MSc Placement PSY-40089 Module
Neuroimaging and Cognitive Neuroscience PSY-20056 Module
Person-Centred Counselling Theory PSY-20041 Module
Personal and professional development in person-centred counselling PSY-30133 Module
Psychology in Education PSY-30127 Module
Psychology Placement PSY-30131 Module
Psychopathology PSY-20033 Module
Qualitative Research Methods PSY-20050 Module
Qualitative Research Methods PSY-40129 Module
Quantitative Research Methods PSY-40131 Module
Re-thinking Research: Knowledge, Power and Diversity PSY-40099 Module
Research Apprecticeship in Psychology PSY-40038 Module
Research Methods in Social and Developmental Psychology for Study Abroad Students PSY-30122 Module
Science Communication PSY-10038 Module
Setting-specific Assessment and Formulation PSY-40113 Module
Social and Developmental Psychology PSY-40125 Module
Social Psychology in the Modern World: Theory, Research, and Application PSY-20034 Module
Statistics for Psychology PSY-20044 Module
Survey and Qualitative Research Methods SPSY-00002 Module
The Psychology of Crime, Investigation, and Punishment PSY-20046 Module
The Psychology of Deviance PSY-30126 Module
Topics in Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience PSY-40097 Module
Understanding Self and Others Better: An Introduction to Counselling Theories PSY-10021 Module
Using Research to Influence Policy and Practice PSY-40083 Module
Vulnerabilities in the Criminal Justice System PSY-30156 Module

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