Browse Course

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Anatomy, Physiology and Movement Science - Musculoskeletal (MSK) PTY-10063 Module
Anatomy, Physiology and Movement Science - Neurological, Cardiovascular and Respiratory (N, CVR) PTY-10064 Module
Applied Anatomy, Phyiosology and Movement Science PTY-10058 Module
Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation PTY-30054 Module
Caseload Management of Frailty, Trauma and Long Term Conditions PTY-30061 Module
Enhanced Practice: Cardiovascular and Respiratory PTY-40062 Module
Enhanced Practice: Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation PTY-40061 Module
Enhanced Practice: Neurological Rehabilitation PTY-40063 Module
Evaluating Healthcare Services PTY-30058 Module
Evidence Based Health and Rehabilitation PTY-20050 Module
Fundamentals of Physiotherapy Practice PTY-10057 Module
Health Behaviour Change PTY-30062 Module
Implementing Evidence Into Practice PTY-20051 Module
Leadership and Management for Healthcare Professionals PTY-40064 Module
Learning and Teaching in Healthcare PTY-30057 Module
Physiology and Pharmacology of Pain PTY-40010 Module
Physiotherapy Management of the Complex Patient PTY-30060 Module
Physiotherapy Practice: Cardiovascular and Respiratory PTY-20053 Module
Physiotherapy Practice: Musculoskeletal PTY-20054 Module
Physiotherapy Practice: Neurology PTY-20052 Module
Planning Research PTY-30059 Module
Practice Experience 4a PTY-40058 Module
Practice Experience 4c PTY-40060 Module
Practice in Specific Populations PTY-20055 Module
Principles of Assessment and Measurement PTY-10061 Module
Principles of Rehabilitation PTY-10056 Module
Principles of Rehabilitation (MSci/BScRES) PTY-10082 Module
Professionalism and Effective Communication PTY-10059 Module
Professionalism and Effective Communication (MSci/BScRES) PTY-10092 Module
Research Project: Physiotherapy PTY-30072 Module
Research Skills and Funding PTY-40065 Module

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