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Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Assessment and Applied Practice EXS-20005 Module
Advanced Clinical Exercise Practice EXS-30003 Module
Anatomy, Physiology and Movement Science - Neurological, Cardiovascular and Respiratory (N, CVR) PTY-10055 Module
Applied Practice in Coaching, Exercise and Fitness EXS-10009 Module
Exercise Science for Specialist Populations PTY-20032 Module
Exercise Testing and Prescription in Healthy Populations PTY-20063 Module
Global Healthcare Matters PTY-30037 Module
Health and the Environment PTY-20020 Module
Health and Wellbeing (MSci/BScRES) PTY-10094 Module
Integrated Rehabilitation Strategies PTY-30074 Module
Lifestyle Risk Factor Modification PTY-20061 Module
Musculoskeletal and Biomechanical Principles EXS-10001 Module
Physiology for Rehabilition PTY-30053 Module
Professional and Career Aspirations and Attributes EXS-10015 Module
Rehabilitation in Sport PTY-20047 Module
Rehabilitation in Sport PTY-30052 Module
Research Project: Rehabilitation Science PTY-30047 Module
Research Skills PTY-20043 Module

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