Assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with mental health problems
Pre-reading for week 1
Hello and welcome to the module! Each week there will be some pre-reading for you to do as preparation for the next session. I hope that you find the reading and the module thought-provoking and relevant to you in your clinical practice when caring for children and adolescents with mental health problems. Dave Jefferson. module lead. There are 2 pieces of literature for you to read prior to week 1 of the module1. Chapter 1 from the book by Elder - consider while reading it how you build therapeutic relationships with the children and young people you care for and what you want to gain (personally, professionally) by undertaking this module. 2. Chapter one from the Book by David Howle - consider the importance of attachment in the development of child and adolescent mental health problems, as this underpins much of what we will be discussing during the module.
Week 4 pre-reading
The focus this week is on 'neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood', with a focus on ADHD and autism and diagnostic overshadowing. Book by Laver-Bradbury - section IV on assessment (read anything that interests you). Book by Catherine Jackson - read the chapter 'The mental health of children with learning disabilities'. ADHD article - provides an excellent overview of ADHD, causes, treatments etc.
Week 8 pre-reading
The consideration here on legal considerations when caring for children and adolescents with mental health problems, including issues about capacity and consent. Chapter 12 of the Dimond book below is only a few pages long but covers most of the important legal aspects when assessing and planning care for children and young people. The other articles focus on issues around the confidence mental health nurses have in dealing with issues of consent and also an article which sets out the basics of Gillick competence. There is also a session on psychosis and the chapter 'Early intervention in psychosis for children and adolescents' from the Jackson book is recommended reading here.