Lists linked to Rural Geographies

Title Sort by title Academic Year Last updated Sort by last updated
General module resources (journals, websites, textbooks) 2024/25 29/01/2025 16:18:56
Session 01 - What is rural? Approaching, defining and understanding the rural 2024/25 14/02/2025 13:04:54
Session 02 - Rural economy 2024/25 18/06/2024 14:36:47
Session 03 - Rural gentrification and housing 2024/25 18/06/2024 14:37:01
Session 04 - Addressing rural poverty and social exclusion 2024/25 18/06/2024 14:37:15
Session 05 - Rural planning 2024/25 29/01/2025 16:19:17
Session 06 - Rural regeneration 2024/25 18/06/2024 14:37:42
Session 07 - LEADER and delivering rural community development 2024/25 18/06/2024 14:37:49
Session 08 - Field visit (no reading) 2024/25 23/01/2025 11:03:16
Session 09 - Rural mobilities and migration 2024/25 18/06/2024 14:36:54
Session 10 - Project development and presentation session 2024/25 23/01/2025 10:33:54
Session 11 - Draft project presentations; feedback and further project development (no reading) 2024/25 23/01/2025 11:02:46
Session 12 - Project presentations to client and Q and A (no reading) 2024/25 23/01/2025 11:03:00