Browse Institution

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Exam Papers EXM Unit
Foundation Year FYO School
Global Challenge Pathways GCP Pathway
Harper and Keele Veterinary School VET School
Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences ILAS Institute
Keele Business School KBS School
Keele University International College KIC School
Language Centre LLU School
Library Sandbox LIBRARYSANDBOX Unit
School of Allied Health Professions AHP School
School of Chemical and Physical Sciences CPS School
School of Computer Science and Mathematics SCM School
School of Geography, Geology and the Environment GGE School
School of Humanities HUMS School
School of Law LAW School
School of Life Sciences LSC School
School of Medicine SMED School
School of Nursing and Midwifery SNAM School
School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering PHA School
School of Primary, Community and Social Care PCSC School
School of Psychology SPSY School
School of Social Sciences SPGS School
Study Skills ADA-12345 Module

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